Saturday, August 31, 2019

Aircraft on Ground Essay

In the case of Bennett Solutions, if the support assembly does not fit, do we need to build the tree into a recursive model of considering buying another new part from Miami supplier or buying another from ARC, etc.   can we just end that branch of the tree taking into account the cost of returning the product and the reduced refund price? A: There is no set answer, so make whatever assumption you think is reasonable, state it clearly, and proceed with it. Q: Is the cost of rebooking per passenger another decision tree? What we are trying to figure out is the % of load (occupied seats) and % of passengers looking to rebook same day etc. that are to be used as fixed for calculations or as uncertainities. A: Try to make as few assumptions as possible. As a general guideline, when the case gives you enough data (e. g. , historical numbers, estimates, etc), such that you can compute a number directly, try to do that, instead of introducing new elements in the decision tree. Q: Is it possible to fly an empty plane from Santiago to Miami in order to avoid a cancelled Miami – Santiago flight? A: Carefully read the notes at the end of the case — one of them should stipulate something about this. Q: How long does it take to make the actual repair to the system once the parts arrive in Santiago? A: Make an assumption that you consider easonable, state it clearly, and proceed from there†¦ Q: Consider the sentence: â€Å"However, since this is a current initiative, there is only a 35% to 50% probability that support assemblies of different fleets will fit perfectly and hence are interchangeable. There is no way to know in advance, this has to be checked on the aircraft when the component is installed†. Does the abo ve apply only to the part supplied by Bennett or it applies to the other suppliers? A: It is safe to assume that it only applies to Bennett Cargo Sales as it refers only to the support assembly.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Friend Vs Family Member Essay

Everyone dreams to have a dear companion. Some find the companionship with the family members. Some find it with friends. There are needs and wants that only a family member or a friend could give. For example, you are in need money or other material things, your family will be the first ones to provide it for you. In addition to that , your family is in charge in the preparation of your meal,household management and the like. When you need someone to talk to and your parents are busy working and your brothers and sisters are busy with studying or doing other things, it is a friend that you should call. Friends, outside of family bonds, can be our greatest comfort and allies. When it comes to keeping a secret, it is the job of a friend. Friends accept us for who we are. They listen when we need someone to talk to. They share the same interest and they are not afraid to tell what’s on their mind. Most of the times, we cannot share the secret to the other members of the family because they might react negatively on that matter. It is best to keep it with friends. Friends help us to adjust in a different environment just like in school. According to a study done by Buote, results indicated a significant positive relation between quality of new friendships and adjustment to university; this association was stronger for students living in residence than for those commuting to university. The interview data provided insight into the processes through which the relation between quality of new friendships and adjustment occurs. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of new friendships in helping individuals to adjust to a new social environment. Friends may also help you live longer than your family. According to the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, researchers suspect that friends may influence people to engage in more healthy behavior, such as not smoking or not drinking too much; friends may also help boost people’s self-esteem. Close friends may get the â€Å"longevity nod† because they are islands of love outside of the bickering, resentments and subtle abuses that occur all too often within many families. On the other hand,there are characteristics that only a family member can do and have. A person is connected to a family member through blood and relation. Accidents may happen and a donor closest to your preferences are your family. You could also solve a family problem like being scolded by constantly communicating with your family. Through communication we can correct bad behavior and internalize rules of good behavior within the family. By the time we are born, our family is with us. Our parents and the other family members guide us through our helplessness as a baby and continuously provides things and advices so that we will be resilient when we reach adulthood. Sometimes, a person can be a family member and a friend to someone. For example,our brothers or sisters often are our most intimate friends. You grew in the same environment , share the same sentiments and interests and you rely on each other when big challenges come. Friends and family members help in the formation of the character of an individual. We are introduced and acquainted with values from our family members and we experience it, learn it and acquire it with friends. According to psychoanalysts,Miss Neumann and Dr. Myerson , in the personality development of the child, the family is perhaps the most important shaping influence. It is of course only one element of the social heritage, only one of a number of groups that influence the child; the school and the play groups are also very important. But the family is first in point of time and, during the more plastic and impressionable ears of child life, provides almost the only stimulations and patterns to which he is exposed. Understanding the importance of the strength of family, and strong relationships, can be a critical tool for youth as they emerge as a good citizen through some of the most influential years of their lives. When the children receive support and understanding from the family members, it will help a lot in his character formation. Moreover,the need for friends continued as they we grew into teenagers and began to find our own identities. Friends were a big part of forming our personalities and supporting who we had become. We cannot choose the members of the family. They are with us when we have nothing and continues to give us everything. Sometimes, we just don’t see their sacrifices for us. We can definitely choose our friends, they are our mirrors. We can determine whom is more important not on being here all the time but who is present when fate decrees your crises. Will your friends stay with you? Or your family? They are put to a test and only you can decide who wins your heart. Works Cited Buote, Vanessa et al. â€Å"The Importance of Friends: Friendship and Adjustment Among 1st- Year University Students†. Journal of Adolescent Research. 2007; 22: 665-689. Cochran, M. , ed. Personal Social Networks as a Focus of Support. In D. O. Unger and D. R. Powell, eds. , Families as Nurturing Systems: Support across a Lifespan. Binghampton, N. Y. :The Haworth Press. 1991. 45-67. Mercola, Joseph. â€Å"Friends May Help You Live Longer Than Family†. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. July 2005; 59(7):574-9. Radun, Lori. â€Å"Importance of Family Rules in Developing Child Self Esteem†. < http://ezinearticles. com/> Runner, Jessie R. The Family: Source Materials for the Study of Family and Personality. New York:McGraw-Hill,1931. 73.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Role of Media in India

Role of Indian Media in the New Age The following is the speech given by Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of HRD and C & IT, on the topic: â€Å"Role of Indian Media in the New Ag†, presiding as the Chief Guest for the ‘Press Club Awards for Excellence in Journalism' , on 5th May, 2012 at The NSCI, Worli, Mumbai. I am privileged to be here with you on a day the media celebrates its exceptional performers. I congratulate all those who have received awards and wish them continued success in their profession.The media has emerged as a pillar of the modern State. The foundation of a modern democratic State lies in its ability to secure fundamental rights promised to its people, to deliver justice and lead its people to economic and social progress. Democracy is defined by freedom of speech and expression. Media is an embodiment of these rights that define democracy. If we look back into history, the emergence of the modern nation-state where the sovereignty vested in its people is closely related to the spread of the printing press.Guttenbergaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Bible (the first printed book) was a precursor to the spread of democracy and republican thought across the world. Rousseau was mild mannered, but his thoughts disseminated by the newspapers in the coffee houses of Paris resulted in the French Revolution. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as the slogan for the Revolution owes much to the media of the day. The Indian media has been truly a pillar of the Indian State. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. The Indian media has indeed been vigilant and persuasive in protection of freedoms and awakening thought.If we have preserved our democracy in the midst of periodic lapses into dictatorships in our neighbourhood, the credit should go to our founding fathers who created robust institutions and to the media who kept a vigilant watch at preserving these institutions. However, the nature of media has also been changing over the last two decades. The eme rgence of the electronic media in India over two decades ago since the first war to be witnessed live by millions in the cosy comforts of their homes, brought the power of imagery to the forefront.The growing dominance of imagery over substance in an era where time is of the essence and competition is intense, has brought about the need for stoking fires, beaming controversies and heated debates in the media. The divergence of approach between the print and the electronic media has been amply demonstrated in the events of the last year. Todayaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s media does not provide much space for settling differences, it prefers to dog the protagonists forever reminding them of the past. There is a problem with this approach. We do not sufficiently celebrate our achievements, we do not appreciate the progress that we make.The spread of negative sentiment leads to despondency and inaction. Infact, todayaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s headline in a prominent newspaper speaks of the fear that stalks t he corridors of bureaucracy. Despite the exhortation of the Prime Minister, the civil services today is afraid of action, for any action can be questioned. Faith and trust in all institutions are being eroded. Rampant mistrust, I believe, has slowed governance and if not corrected, can imperil the foundations of democracy. We have much to correct, but it is necessary for room for correction to be available.When there is a dispute in a family, the members retire to a place of seclusion to settle their differences. Today, there is no such place available due to the omnipotence of media. Competition spurs innovation, but unhealthy competition can lead to pandering. The rush for eyeballs in a crush of problems leads to extremes being aired rather than the moderate being heard. In such a situation, the responsibility of the media to the larger society gets diluted. At the same time, I would for one strongly oppose attempts to impose responsibility through regulatory action.It is for th e media to ponder and find solutions for itself. If the media fails to do so, just as we are witnessing a clamour for judicial accountability because the judiciary has not succeeded in inculcating responsibility within itself, a similar clamour for media accountability would grow. Another trend that has emerged in the recent years is the growth of the social media riding in the ICT revolution. Social interactions have exploded as never before, aided by the connecting power of the internet. The ability of thoughts to converge and congregate have multiplied manifold.These interactions have led to questioning of the present order and the search for a better world through the social media. The outpourings of protests all over the world aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" from aâ‚ ¬? Occupy Wall Streetaâ‚ ¬? to the aâ‚ ¬? Arab Springaâ‚ ¬? , from the aâ‚ ¬? Lokpal agitationaâ‚ ¬? to the million mutinies erupting across the globe – made 2011, the Year of the Protestor. Street dissent in Democracies has become prevalent. Simultaneously, we are witnessing the overthrow of Dictatorships. Thoughts and deeds, actions and reactions jump across the globe to reach the mind-space of people in the twinkling of an eye.The internet today is the public square of the Grecian city-state democracies. And media is slowly ceding space to the internet as the harbinger of news and views. Our country is a nation of vast diversity and complexity. We were fortunate that our founding fathers bequeathed us an edifice that we could be proud of. A free media is a pillar of this edifice. It holds up the State and seeks accountability from it. The events of the recent past have led us to introspect on the basic elements of our State. Let the media not stay away from this introspection. Thank you. Role of Media in India Role of Indian Media in the New Age The following is the speech given by Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of HRD and C & IT, on the topic: â€Å"Role of Indian Media in the New Ag†, presiding as the Chief Guest for the ‘Press Club Awards for Excellence in Journalism' , on 5th May, 2012 at The NSCI, Worli, Mumbai. I am privileged to be here with you on a day the media celebrates its exceptional performers. I congratulate all those who have received awards and wish them continued success in their profession.The media has emerged as a pillar of the modern State. The foundation of a modern democratic State lies in its ability to secure fundamental rights promised to its people, to deliver justice and lead its people to economic and social progress. Democracy is defined by freedom of speech and expression. Media is an embodiment of these rights that define democracy. If we look back into history, the emergence of the modern nation-state where the sovereignty vested in its people is closely related to the spread of the printing press.Guttenbergaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Bible (the first printed book) was a precursor to the spread of democracy and republican thought across the world. Rousseau was mild mannered, but his thoughts disseminated by the newspapers in the coffee houses of Paris resulted in the French Revolution. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as the slogan for the Revolution owes much to the media of the day. The Indian media has been truly a pillar of the Indian State. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. The Indian media has indeed been vigilant and persuasive in protection of freedoms and awakening thought.If we have preserved our democracy in the midst of periodic lapses into dictatorships in our neighbourhood, the credit should go to our founding fathers who created robust institutions and to the media who kept a vigilant watch at preserving these institutions. However, the nature of media has also been changing over the last two decades. The eme rgence of the electronic media in India over two decades ago since the first war to be witnessed live by millions in the cosy comforts of their homes, brought the power of imagery to the forefront.The growing dominance of imagery over substance in an era where time is of the essence and competition is intense, has brought about the need for stoking fires, beaming controversies and heated debates in the media. The divergence of approach between the print and the electronic media has been amply demonstrated in the events of the last year. Todayaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s media does not provide much space for settling differences, it prefers to dog the protagonists forever reminding them of the past. There is a problem with this approach. We do not sufficiently celebrate our achievements, we do not appreciate the progress that we make.The spread of negative sentiment leads to despondency and inaction. Infact, todayaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s headline in a prominent newspaper speaks of the fear that stalks t he corridors of bureaucracy. Despite the exhortation of the Prime Minister, the civil services today is afraid of action, for any action can be questioned. Faith and trust in all institutions are being eroded. Rampant mistrust, I believe, has slowed governance and if not corrected, can imperil the foundations of democracy. We have much to correct, but it is necessary for room for correction to be available.When there is a dispute in a family, the members retire to a place of seclusion to settle their differences. Today, there is no such place available due to the omnipotence of media. Competition spurs innovation, but unhealthy competition can lead to pandering. The rush for eyeballs in a crush of problems leads to extremes being aired rather than the moderate being heard. In such a situation, the responsibility of the media to the larger society gets diluted. At the same time, I would for one strongly oppose attempts to impose responsibility through regulatory action.It is for th e media to ponder and find solutions for itself. If the media fails to do so, just as we are witnessing a clamour for judicial accountability because the judiciary has not succeeded in inculcating responsibility within itself, a similar clamour for media accountability would grow. Another trend that has emerged in the recent years is the growth of the social media riding in the ICT revolution. Social interactions have exploded as never before, aided by the connecting power of the internet. The ability of thoughts to converge and congregate have multiplied manifold.These interactions have led to questioning of the present order and the search for a better world through the social media. The outpourings of protests all over the world aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" from aâ‚ ¬? Occupy Wall Streetaâ‚ ¬? to the aâ‚ ¬? Arab Springaâ‚ ¬? , from the aâ‚ ¬? Lokpal agitationaâ‚ ¬? to the million mutinies erupting across the globe – made 2011, the Year of the Protestor. Street dissent in Democracies has become prevalent. Simultaneously, we are witnessing the overthrow of Dictatorships. Thoughts and deeds, actions and reactions jump across the globe to reach the mind-space of people in the twinkling of an eye.The internet today is the public square of the Grecian city-state democracies. And media is slowly ceding space to the internet as the harbinger of news and views. Our country is a nation of vast diversity and complexity. We were fortunate that our founding fathers bequeathed us an edifice that we could be proud of. A free media is a pillar of this edifice. It holds up the State and seeks accountability from it. The events of the recent past have led us to introspect on the basic elements of our State. Let the media not stay away from this introspection. Thank you.


OPERATIONS & FINANCIAL DECISION MANAGEMENT - Essay Example 1. As per the abbreviated balance sheet dated 31.1.2006, the stock levels on 31/1/2007 was  £ 1382,592 as compared to  £ 1132,505 on 31/1/2006. Thus, there has been an increase of 22.08% over the previous year. Moreover, it is seen that the inventory components of stock in the company consists of many small items supplied by different manufacturers . Among these, items like envelope, envelope scoop, padded cover, inflator fans, basket, burners and cylinders form the main constituents of the finished product – the inflatable balloons. It is seen for these crucial stock items, there may be only one or two approved suppliers. Therefore, it needs to be ensured that delivery and quality aspects need to be strictly looked into, since the safety aspects of these air balloons cannot be compromised since it involves human safety and security. Moreover, if it is needed to change suppliers of crucial items, it become necessary to get recertified from the approval body for safety and security which may not be an easy task. Therefore, it is felt that given the fact that there are many sub assembly parts and components involved in the making of an air balloon, it is necessary to maintain a higher level of stock inventories. Lead time: The manufacture of hot air balloons involves a specialist task entailing maximum safety and standard control adherence, and nothing could be left a chance in the manufacture of hot air balloons. In the case of ordering being placed for resupply, the delivery may take time, depending upon the type of raw materials and the time required for reorders. For the supply of fabrics, the lead time may be around 8 weeks. Again, in the case of other items, the lead time would be a period ranging from 3 days to 3 months, depending upon market conditions and availability of materials reordered. Sometimes it may happen that the items may not be available in ready stocks with the vendors/suppliers, and therefore, it may

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

According to the question answer the question Essay

According to the question answer the question - Essay Example ducation makes it inappropriate to some people while Foster is of the belief that the current system of education has been able to enable to get students to have a good interpretation of their experiences. The walking journeys of Cheryl strayed in wild and Andrew Forstaffle in the â€Å"this American life† radio episode† hit the road† have some things in common. For instance, in both cases there are people who are compelled by the experiences that they are going through in life to go far places from wherever they were at first. Andrew Forsthoefel decides to go on a journey of over four thousand miles on foot after losing his job. He takes people he meets on the way with him. On the other hand, Cheryl strayed move to many cities in the process of trying to find a new life after the divorce with her former husband. The difference between the two cases is that Cheryl strayed was in search for a new life while Andrew Forsthoefel’s did not seek a new life. The views that Cheryl Strayed and Robert Bly give about the term being wild can be a little bit morally misleading. This is because they all advocate for some behaviours that are simply inappropriate morally. For instance, when someone looks at the kind of lifestyle that Cheryl Strayed leads in the name of being wild such as sleeping with strangers someone can clearly see the immoral part of it. Robert Bly, basically advocates for masculinity where female people are treated with less regard or respects. The two views can basically be said to be misleading in their description of being wild. Looking at the poem by Edward Hirsch someone can easily notice the importance that he gives to the emotional parts of human existence (Addonizio and Laux 242). This can be seen in the line where he asserts on the importance of people believing in their hearts. This can be seen in the first line. The poets urge people to believe in having better lives, even at times when they are going through the hardest parts of their

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

If Barack Obama Was Assasinated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

If Barack Obama Was Assasinated - Essay Example Several newspapers have all brought up the idea that "A violent dispatching of Obama would leave the road to the White House paved for McCain, with Mexico and the rest of the world having to deal with four more years of Republican nightmare"(WorldMeetsUs). And there is certainly some truth behind this. At the current standings Hillary trails Obama in both the pledged delegate vote and the super delegate vote, and it seems that he support may be waning with the leave of her head officer in the past few days as well. And beside her Democratic fan base, nobody knows jus though well she would do in the general election. Comparing Obama to both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X, there is a strong case made that any black politician that events so strongly into society is eventual taken care of. Who is to say the same couldn't happen to Obama. That leaves one to assume that if Obama was assassinated we would see a Republican White House again, something that many people sure don't want t o see again, and it would utterly defeat Hillary in the general election. Civil rights would then jump to the forefront of American life and become a full fledged problem again. Some people feel it would cause such an uprising in fact, that the situation " escalate into an all out civil race war. This will result in marshal law and the national guard will be deployed. "escalate into an all out civil race war. This will result in marshal law and the national guard will be deployed(GNN Tv). And this certainly seems like a probable reaction. Mass riots would break out, and the pot will have boiled over again, causing all racial tensions in the United States to bring us into a state of personal racial warfare. Some even fear that total extremes could be reached, and that the situation could end up with people seeing "guerilla warfare with black leaders and white leaders taking law into there own hands. Anyone and everyone has a gun these days and they will be used. Prisons are ultra full of black men that will riot and kill any white inmates and this will req uire more effort by the National guard and local authorities to contain leaving our streets vulnerable. People will try to leave the US but other countries will seal their borders for fear of a mass US migration. Power plants, factories, stores, and financial institutions will close out of fear of racial attacks. People will be cold, hungry and possibly homeless as the National Guard and guerilla groups take over cities and kill or imprison opposing parties. I believe you will see atrocities that will rival that of Hitler's concentration camps, and it will all be in high definition courtesy of our media which will further infuriate and feed the panic"(gnn Tv). And that ultimate result of war is not something we want to see happen, but is all too real a result if Obama was assassinated. The racism that would spring up around the assassination of Obama would be absolute, and could thrust the United States into even a possible second Civil War, again fueled by racial tensions. Noble Prize Winner Doris Lessing even echoed that she felt it was certain that he would be killed. ""He would probably not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would kill him",

Monday, August 26, 2019

Peer response Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Peer response - Article Example Second, the topic and subject of research that was shared was relevant and seen to be applicable in current settings: homeschooling or distance education. With the prolific use of the internet, one of the significant applications is the access to knowledge through the online medium. One of the initial comments was the dismal regret for the inability to locate more scholarly research on the subject of â€Å"how do homeschooled students do compared with traditional-schooled students†. A quick look at scholarly journals generated only 11 results; which validated the comment. As such, one strongly believes that the lack of studies on the subject matter should be a motivating factor to pursue the study. There are vast options to discern the most appropriate research methodology and could be applied using a nearby university that offers distance education courses in additional to the traditional classroom-based

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Communication - Essay Example The story kept me in suspense. There was no predictability in the plot, which always kept you guessing as to what will happen to the characters. I was half-way through the story and yet I cannot anticipate how the story will end. The main issues in the story remain unresolved even after the story ended. The story keeps running on my mind because I am trying to process the story. There is no clarity and closure even at the end. All throughout the story, I seem to be waiting for a greater surprise as to what will be the ending. The author’s style is to slowly bring the reader to the awareness of the twist in the story. The theme of running away is repeated all throughout and it is presented as an unacceptable option. The story depicts several forms of complicated relationships. The relationship between romantic partners, that of Clark and Carla, the relationship between a parent and a child, that of Carla and her parents and the relationship between friends, that of Carla and Mr s. Jamieson. â€Å"Runaway† also presents the inner struggles of a woman, her weaknesses and her strengths. It shows how sometimes a woman acts differently outside, not letting her inner being reflect her actions. The story is presented in a lucid and vivid manner but I am confused whether I like the characters or not. All the characters in the story starting from Carla, Clark, and Mrs. Jamieson surprise me as to their real persona. They are not predictable. I just cannot anticipate their actions. Munro’s writing style is one wherein she predicts her readers’ thoughts and perceptions and then she disproves the readers’ expectations by writing the opposite of what they expect. This is one quality that I admire in Munro’s literary style. It kept me at the edge of my seat. The characters are described in details which reflect true to life people. It is through this detailed characterization that one can feel an emotional attachment to the characters. I just cannot stop thinking about the characters even after reading the story. I had to analyze each character and explain to myself why they reacted in a certain way when faced with the situations in the story. I also cannot stop wondering what will happen to them in the future. Carla, the main character of â€Å"Runaway† suffered from indecision all throughout the story. Carla depicts a character with an impulsive emotion. She feels lost but she has no roots. I think Carla thought she could run away from her husband but she was actually incapable of doing so. As described in Bruner’s ten features of narrative, I can say that running away from Clark is her intentional state but as we can see from the ending of the story, her intentional state did not determine the ending of story. She wanted to runaway but later on changed her mind. She wanted to change her life abruptly but suddenly while in the bus decides to get-off. There seems to be an onset of a different set of sensations which was exactly the opposite of what she felt when she was conversing with Mrs. Jamieson and planning her escape. Just when you think that Carla is a hero, she unexpectedly shows her flaws. At the beginning of the story, I thought that Mrs. Jamieson was the antagonist in the story because of Carla’s reaction when she saw her driving along the road. She even thought in her mind, â€Å"Let it not be her.† In the end though, I realize that Mrs. Jamieson

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Management Efficiency Impact on Performance within CocaCola Dissertation

Management Efficiency Impact on Performance within CocaCola - Dissertation Example Coca Cola has been awarded severally for its management and market status the world over. The company has employed different management theories in different countries of operation to suit the market and human resource requirements. Betsy Morris a CNN-Money correspondent reported in her feature on Coca Cola management noted that the company’s management style directly impacted on delivery and profits. The early 2000s saw the company slur but the recent years of good management have seen it rise again. The theories of change management have seen the company record all time high profits in the last two years. Research Strategy and Methodology The evaluation process will use two instruments, the interview and the survey, to collect information on the intended Coca Cola project. The interview will be carried out on the top management of the company to gauge the management style. The process should run in a scheduled time frame of fourteen (14) weeks. The interview method provides detailed information and can develop relationships among participants. The limitations of this method are that it takes large amounts of time, can be costly and participants may feel uncomfortable. It is also hard to get time with the top brass management for the interview. The interviews should therefore be conducted face to face, over the phone or internet video calls and through emails. The second activity is to design surveys to be filled in anonymously by the low and midlevel workers of the company in different states.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Reform of United Nation Security Council Literature review

Reform of United Nation Security Council - Literature review Example The council also settles disputes among member nations, and to attain this, military option may be resorted. The Council has 15 members, 5 are permanent while the 10 are non-permanent members (Kugel 2009). The non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly and hold office for a term of two years (Kugel 2009). The five permanent members are China, France, Russia, UK and USA (Kugel 2009). Through the application of sanctions, the council can pressure an erring nation to cease from committing violence or aggression. Sanctions are imposed when diplomatic actions fail to restore peace in an area (Security Council Sanctions n.d.). The decisions of the Security Council are embodied in resolutions approved by majority of the members of the Council (Security Council Sanctions n.d.). Areas for Reform Considerations over introducing some reforms in the Council have started almost at the time of its creation. The increase in the composition of permanent members has also been suggested (Kugel 2009). For instance, the current permanent membership does not represent all the nations based on geographical consideration taking into account the changing geo-political realities (Kugel 2009). The move is also congruent with the attempt to make representation of all the member states more democratic (Kugel 2009). ... The Council really proved ineffective on several issues during the Cold War since two of the permanent members were involved in this conflict. The two primary reform issues that have emerged concern the increasing number of members and the procedural rules in conducting its business. The membership issue also includes the voting system and structure. Amending the voting structure or composition of the Council may not be easily achieved since they would require the amendment of the UN Charter, and a quorum of two-thirds in the General Assembly (Kugel 2009). In the Assembly, permanent members can block the proposed amendments. During the General Assembly meeting in September 2008, the reform discussion deadlock was ended when members agreed to transfer the discussions from the Working Group to the intergovernmental negotiations in an informal plenary of the Assembly through resolution 62/557. The agreed agenda for reform mentioned in the resolution include: membership categories, veto power and concerns, regional representation, size of an expanded Council, working methods and procedures, and the Council’s relationship with the General Assembly (Kugel 2009). Changes in the Security Council Although the UN Security Council has been in existence for several decades now, it is still undergoing reforms to make it more efficient. The desired outcome of its sanctions may have an adverse effect upon the other nations. For instance, a sanction can affect the vulnerable sectors in the population or economy of another country (Security Council Sanctions n.d.). Thus, it is continually amending and refining its design and implementation so that collateral effects may be lessened. The refinements include

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Employment Law and Compliance Plan Essay Example for Free

Employment Law and Compliance Plan Essay Atwood and Allen Consulting Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations Atwood and Allen Consulting Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company has been established to providetransportation to public. The first step is recruitment and selection of prospective new employees that will organize and man the business. The Human Resource Department must explore resources to find right candidates. Recruitment and selection team must addressing the job responsibilities and scope of work of each new position. The staffing process is normally divided into recruitment phase and the selection phase. Recruitment is the searching and attracting of job seekers and the selection is the part job seekers are chosen to get the offer to fill the vacant position. The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company first step is planning human resource. Develop policies, system, procedure and goal setting and method of performance appraisal. Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company interviews should have standard company operating procedures and recruitment policies that take care of the recruitment process. These policy, systems, procedures were prepared and approved by Bradley Stonefield. It will be reviewed yearly to ensure compliance to new laws and new business environment or requirement. The Human Resource will periodically review and assess the current and futurehuman resource requirements.The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company formal recruitment process begins when Bradley Stonefield decide or announce the start of the operation of his business. Look more:Â  google recruiting process essay Bradley Stonefield makes that decision because he will have to finance the whole endeavor or business. HR staff initiates the request and documentation. The recruitment request will be evaluated by Bradley Stonefield. He will take several factors in consideration in making his evaluation together with his HR staff. Among the factors he will have to consider are postings, the requirements, the financial constraint, and so forth. Once he approved the recruitment process it will be a go to implement. The job description and person specification is to be prepared by HR staff in consultationwith Bradley Stonefield. These will contain the details of duties and responsibilities to be performed by the selected individual. The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company will advertise the job opening in major media of mass circulation and community service bulletins. The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company will shortlist candidates for interview. If the applicant meets all the essential criteria defined in the job description the next process is the interview phase. The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company will conduct a two part interview sessions two sessions for drivers. First is the personality, background, skillset interview, which is the preliminary interview. This also includes the authentication of driver’s license and drug test. Before the preliminary interview start, the candidates are required to fill application form. It will contain information such as the applicant’s personal biodata, job experiences, and reason for leaving previous employment. Successful candidates in the first interview will be required to come back for the second interview. Bradley Stonefield and HR staff will make decision who to hire. All candidates will be asked the same questions and will be presented the same situational scenario or event. All questions will be job related to determine the suitability of the applicant to the position being filled out, whether that is a limousine driver or customer service receptionist The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company policies will serve as a guideline and administer the company employment process. The hiring procedure ensures that the most qualified candidates is selected. Bradley Stonefield uses a rigorous recruitment and selection process, which complies to the equal opportunity policy. The Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company recruitment strategies in vital in finding top talent. The recruitment strategies that are implemented by Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company are as follows: 1.) Recruiting through Internet. One of the advantages of using the internet is that it is easily accessible by anyone. 2.) Referrals. Recommended by friends, colleagues, acquaintances. 3.) Advertisements. Advertise job vacancies in the of newspapers great circulation. Again, it is extremely important that the selection process be evaluated regularly to verifyand confirm that the right applicants or employees have been selected or chosen. If Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company if the company has significant turnover in a given position, the process of recruitment and selection must be changed. People are a major component of any business, and the management of people (or human resource management, HRM) is a major part of every manager’s job. It is also the specialized responsibility of the HR department. HRM involves five major areas: staffing, retention, development, adjustment, and managing change. Together they compose the HRM system, for they describe a network of interrelated components. The HRM function is responsible for maximizing productivity, quality of work life, and profits through better management of people. Hiring manager, like Bradley Stonefield, must focus on recruiting activities aimed at attracting the right candidates for the job. Based on the needs and forecasts for future needs, Bradley Stonefield will need to direct his efforts toward the best option for recruiting the right candidates. For instance, focusing on traditional newspaper advertisements is appropriate for driver positions with the Bradley Stonefield Limousine Service Company. Selecting the right candidate requires identifying the specific skills, knowledge and qualities you seek and desire in a worker. This can pertain to the necessary skills and knowledge for the position itself, such as a specific degree or certification, and the desired personal qualities, such as a preference to hire employees with good moral and ethical standards. Other important parts of the selection process include conducting any necessary aptitude tests and conducting a thorough background check to ensure the employee meets the basic qualifications of both the position and the company.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The One Minute Manager Essay Example for Free

The One Minute Manager Essay Reflection: The one minute Manager I have found to be a dull, be good book. I believe it will help you run your business. One minute reprimands and one minute praisings are a good strategy to use in your business. I will definitely use them in my business, because I believe in them. When employees do something wrong they feel real bad, and doing a one minute reprimand followed by a praising helps them and you. It helps you because it makes them believe your on there side which you are and it helps them because they don’t feel as bad. Employees nowadays feel hatred towards there boss, trust me I know because when I work at Sweetbay a lot of the employees don’t like the boss. I’m not one of them of course I understand that she is doing her best for everyone’s interest. But what I may do is get her this book, maybe she’ll learn a thing or two. In my opinion all bosses should learn how to be a one minute manager. Being a one minute manager helps you increase your employability liking. Employees I know love to be praised, I’ve had that feeling several times. One minute reprimands help because they aren’t that long and praise follows it. I know from experience that employees don’t want to be talked to forever about something they did wrong even when it was an accident. The one minute manager is an excellent way to get to your employees. People who feel good about themselves Produce good results. Productivity/Effectiveness, TQM (total quality management) Adam Smith, quality is remembered long after price is forgotten. Post WWII helped build Europe and Asia One minute manager is someone who takes very little time to get big results from people. One minute praising, a praising is a celebration for something you did right for a minute And a One minute reprimand, a reprimand is a talk about something you did wrong. Blake/Mouton Grid: Willing and Able, Willing and unable, Unwilling and able, and Unwilling and Unable The best minute I spend is the one I invest in People AAA (Alcohol, Anonymous, Association) Serenity Prayer- God, grant me the ability of what I can change and what I can’t change and the wisdom to know the difference. Ronald Regan- Trust but verify You get what you inspect â€Å"Feedback is the breakfast of champions† NIMBY- Not In My Back Yard Everyone is a potential winner, some people are disguised as losers, don’t let there appearance fool you. Take a minute, look at your goals, look at your performance, and see if your behavior matches your goals Pay attention to the writing on the wall We are not just our behavior, we are the person managing our behavior Goals begin behaviors, Consequences maintain behaviors Share it with others; tell people how they can become a one minute manager tell them what it means to be one

Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay

Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay This essay will firstly define what discrimination is and what it means to discriminate against something. It will then explain what it means to discriminate against someone or a group in social work practice. This will be a very broad definition that encompasses a variety of different service user groups. Examples will be used to demonstrate what discrimination may look like in social work practice and everyday life. To gain a better understand the essay will critically explore theory and ideas around power and how power manifests between groups. This part of the essay will touch on the idea of othering. The essay will use social constructionism theory to analyse this concept of power. The essay will then focus in on mental health. This part of the essay will firstly look at what a mental health problem is and explore the stigma of being labelled with a mental health problem. The essay will then go deeper to focus on how the western medical model can discriminate against Black and Ethnic Minority groups (BME), even if indirectly. The essay will then critically explore why BME adults, particularly men, are overrepresented in the mental health service. Links will be made to institutional racism and the fact that BME children are underrepresented in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). In in broadest definition, to discriminate means to differentiate or to recognise a distinction (Oxford Dictionaries 2012). In this broad sense it is a part of daily life to discriminate. For example, an adult may discriminate between lanes on a motorway and a baby will often discriminate between a stranger and their caregiver. Discrimination becomes a problem when the difference or recognised distinction is used for the basis of unfair treatment. This is the discrimination that social workers need to be vigilant for. Discrimination is not always intentional (Thompson 2009) and there are various types of discrimination (EHRC 2012). Discrimination can be direct, indirect, based on the perception that someone has a protected characteristic or discriminate against someone who is associated with a person who has a protected characteristic (EHRC 2012). The Equality Act (2010) also aims to protect people with a protective characteristic(s) from victimisation, harassment and failure to make reasonable adjustments (Home Office 2012). Thompsons (1997) PCS model demonstrates that discrimination is not always on a personal level and it is not just solely down to the individual. I will return to the PCS model later on in the essay. Social workers act as mediators between service users and the state. Social workers are in a role that can potentially empower or oppress (Thompson 1997). For this reason Thompson (1997: 11) argues that good practice must be anti-discriminatory practice. All other areas of practice could be brilliant and the social worker could have very good intentions but if the social worker cannot recognise the marginalised position of some of the people they are working with their interventions could potentially further oppress (Thompson 1997). Thompson (1997) reminds the reader many times throughout the book that If youre not part of the solution you are part of the problem. I choose to include this because it reinforces that social workers need to challenge discrimination and take action against it. To accept it and to not swim against the tide does indeed make us part of the problem. Where does discrimination come from and why do people, institutions and systems discriminate against people? This part of the essay will critically explore the concept of power and social constructionism in relation to discrimination and social work. Power is defined by Haralambos and Holborn 2000: 540) very loosely as the ability to get your own way even when others are opposed to your wishes. This is of course a very simple definition of a complex concept. There are many models and theories around power. Thompson (1998: 42) identified a common theme of the ability to influence or control people, events, processes or resources. These common themes of power all have the potential to be used destructively in social work. Social workers have the ability and power to influence and control, whether this is on an individual personal level or as a gate keeper of services or agent of control. Social workers need to be aware of power as they work with people who are marginalised and powerles s in comparison; people who social workers could potentially oppress and even worse, abuse. Giddens (1993) makes close links between power and inequality. EHRC Equality and human rights commission., 2012. [Viewed 2012.11.10] What is discrimination? [online]. Available from Giddens, A., 1993. Sociology (2nd ed). Cambridge: Polity Haralambos, M, Holborn, M., 2000. Sociology themes and perspectives. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Home Office., 2012. [viewed 2012.11.11] Equality Act 2010 [online]. Available from Oxford Dictionaries., 2012. [Viewed 2012.10.19] Discriminate [Online]. Available from Thompson, N., 1997. Anti-Discriminatory practice (2nd ed). Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Thompson,N., 1998. Promoting Equality challenging discrimination and oppression in human services. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd Thompson, N., 2009. Practising social work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

analysis Thomas Hobbes?s claim ?a state of nature is, or would be, a st

Thomas Hobbes argues that a state of nature will eventually become a state of war of everyone against everyone. According the Hobbes, the main reason behind this change will be the harsh competition over scarce resources caused by the nature of man. Through out this essay Hobbes’s reasons will be explained in greater detail.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to truly understand the logic behind Hobbes’s claim, we must first understand his point of view of human nature. The key element in Hobbes’s view on human nature was the importance of desires. Unlike many other philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, Hobbes had a different approach to desires. He believed desires were real motive behind human behaviors. (Leviathan, p119) What motivated human actions were not virtues such as wisdom as Aristotle and Plato would claim, nor was it a sense of duty as Cicero would say. It was rather simple desire. Hobbes did not see desire as a harmful feeling, which must be avoided. He rather thought of it as a positive part of human nature, which could drive a person to achieve more and more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hobbes had a definition of happiness closely connected to desires. Hobbes defined happiness as a â€Å"continual successe in obtaining those things which a man from time to time desireth† He used the phrase â€Å"felicity† for this definition of happiness. (Leviathan, p.129) Important point here is, there is no limit to this attaining of goods and happiness is a continued process of desire fulfillment, which lasts from birth to death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It would not be wrong if we claim all reasonable people would like to live a life of happiness or in other words, a life of felicity. Having accepted Hobbes’s definition of felicity, it can be further said that all people would want a life where all their desires are fulfilled.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hobbes argued that despite minor differences, all people were close to being the same in both ability and intelligence. (Leviathan, p.183) Hobbes further stated, because people are close to being the same they also have similar desires. This is the point where the problems begin. All people have similar desires for certain goods as well as the same hope of attaining them but unfortunately most of these desired goods are limited in numbers. Because there aren’t enough resources for everyone to fu... ...ostly take care of their children with certain degree of love. Thinking that humans would become enemies to theirs seems illogical. In today’s world parents take care of their children not because laws force them but because they love them. This is an instinctive love necessary for the survival of human race and it is doubtful this love of children will be overcome by desire in a state of nature. The bottom line is that according to Hobbes, desires are the real motive behind human behavior. In order to live a life of happiness humans must constantly fulfill their desires. But, because human understanding of â€Å"good†, â€Å"bad† is interest based and the aim of â€Å"rationality† is no more than self preservation, a state of nature with no authority to fear from turns in to a state of war where every one is against everyone. With the reasons he has provided, Hobbes has put forward a good but not perfect argument. Even though there are some flaws, he has done a good job explaining how competition for desires leads up to a state of war. However, this â€Å"war† to take place between everyone against everyone including families doesn’t seem to be a realistic argument.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, August 19, 2019

Marijuana, Medicine, and Politics :: Argumentative Persuasive Essay Examples

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract: For the past few decades, debate has ensued over the putative medicinal value of marijuana. These claims extend back over 4000 thousand years ago to ancient civilizations on the Asian continent. More recently, some scientists experimenting with cannabis have found evidence to support these claims. However, the United States federal government has remained reluctant in supporting further research characterizing the therapeutic properties of cannabis. These policies may have been shaped by cannabis' early associations first with low-income minority groups and later with the youth movement in the 1960s. Government support of additional research is key in settling the long debate over the medicinal value of cannabis. Introduction    The government's attitude toward drugs, especially illegals ones, can be summaried in three words, "Just say No!". This has been my attitude toward drugs until I came to UC Berkeley. But now, it is time to examine the reasonings behind the legal status of drugs. Why are they illegal, and should U.S. policy concerning at least some drugs change? We will examine the history, science, and policies concerning marijuana as an example.    History of Cannabis    Marijuana refers to the cured leaves and flower clusters of Cannabis sativa, a herbaceous annual plant often called "Indian Hemp." This plant is believed to have originated in Asia, and is one of man's oldest cultivated non-food plants. In fact, this plant has been domesticated for so long that it is no longer found in its wild state. One reason that cannabis has been so widely cultivated may be its utility to mankind. Durable fibers from the woody trunk can be used to produce hemp rope and cloth such as canvas (Carroll 1989). In the past, canvas was the only known material that did not rot upon repeated exposure to seawater, and so was the major material used to produce sails. Cannabis is also one of the most efficient producers of cellulose pulp which can be used to produce paper, including paper money (WWW 1). Oil from cannabis seeds is used to prepare paints and soaps. The seeds are also edible, most commonly used as birdseed (Carroll 1989).    The earliest known detailed reference to cannabis is from a medical book prepared by the legendary Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung (circa 2700 B.C.). The ancient Greek historian, Herodotus (circa 450 B.C.), recorded a Scythian funeral purification rite that involved the inhalation of fumes of burning cannabis.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Proposal to Stop the Poaching of the Siberian Tiger Essays -- Argume

A Proposal to Stop the Poaching of the Siberian Tiger One of the world’s most beautiful creatures, the Siberian tiger, has been roaming earth for many years. The Siberian tiger subspecies has been subjected to many obstacles, which make it very difficult for it to survive. Their main threat is not lack of food, but â€Å"man,† one of God’s most fierce and cruel species. Because of man the tiger population has reduced to approximately 400 in the wild, and restricted their remaining habitat to the Russian Far East (Field Projects). Man has done many things to destroy the Russian Siberian tiger. They have cut down forests and moved in on the tiger’s territory, causing them to flee and become fragmented throughout Siberia making it hard for them to mate and hunt. Poaching has also made it difficult for the tiger to survive. Man has illegally killed this magnificent animal over decades for sport, food, trade, medicinal purposes, and to protect their livestock. Though man is very powerful and capable of causing the extinction of the Siberian tiger, they are also capable of helping the tiger to survive. Many people are supporting conservation organizations in order to help the surviving population of the Siberian tiger. These conservation organizations are trying to stop the annihilation of the Siberian tiger by strengthening anti-poaching patrols, establishing a compensation program for farmers, and educating people. According to researchers, â€Å"between 1990 and 1994 approximately sixty tigers were poached a year† (Field Projects). Some Russian experts predicted, â€Å"that, if no immediate measures were taken, the Siberian tiger would go extinct soon after the year 2000† (Field Projects). The Russian ministry of environment began a project... ...ob to clean up what we started and end the illegal killing and help the tiger population to expand and survive in their habitat. Many foundations have been funded in order to make this possible, it is also our job to make sure they stay in effect to eventually end the poaching of the Siberian tiger. Richard Burge noted in Riding the Tiger, â€Å"The tiger is more than a charismatic predator: it is a keystone subspecies in its environment. By saving the tiger in the world, we save complex ecosystems and habitats that would otherwise be destroyed in the relentless march of human need and, all too often, greed† (U. S. Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act). Works Cited â€Å"Field Projects.† 5 Tigers. 3 October 2001. United States Fish & Wildlife Service. Rhinocerus & Tiger Conservation Act. Summary Report 1999-2000.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Assignment

The child is very pleasant, loves to be picked up and held, eats and has gained eight since his hospitalizing. However, as the child's nurse you have observed on several occasions the child's reaction the mother and father. When the mother tries to hold the child he becomes withdrawn and emotional, the father seems detached and makes no effort to assist the mother when the child is in a heighten state of frustration. Even with the observe responses of the infant there are no physical signs of abuse just minor abrasions that is often associated with play.Even though this is his second visit in 6 months for the same reason per the chart pulled when doing our due diligence there is no hard evidence of wrong doing. Something is off about the scenario, you can quite put your finger on it, and there is something that makes you suspect abuse. The situation is weighing on you and you decide to speak to the attending physician about the patient. Everything that you have observed when the pare nt's visit it told and well as the progress and entirely opposite reaction the child has had to the attending staff.The attending physician also shares you concerns but in an effort to validate her concerns has learnt that the parents have has home visits prior o the patients second hospitalizing and both the home and their other two children ages 4 and 3 are in acceptable form. The home reports also states the mother has been good with keeping up with doctors visits, immunization, keeps a clean healthy safe environment and the other two children seem to be happy.The day of discharge comes and the baby is in a terrible emotional state but according the doctors and your head nurse mentor who you also spoke to for guidance, without actual evidence of any wrong doing there is nothing to be done. The parents and the child leave but o still have a decision to makes if child welfare services have not been called you as the nurse can choose to make that call. There is reasonable suspicion to do so, given the child's reaction to the mother, being underweight, a call would not have been inappropriate.However, you know from the research that you have done child services were called to the home prior and there have been no Other signs of abuse on the home. Your gut feeling is that something is very wrong nevertheless (Entice Continuing Education , n. A. ). Principles from the ANA Code of Ethics The ANA Code of Ethics are a guide, they are not a play by play description of when ‘this' do this. There are so many situation that occur in medical profession there is no way to have a protocol for all, instead the code of ethics have provision that guide nurses on how to act in accordance.The provisions that apply to the current nurse patient situation are 2. 1, 2. 2 and 3. 2. Provision 2. 1 – Primacy of the patient's interest – the nurse's primary is to the recipients of nursing a health care services – the patient – whether the recipients in an individual, a family, a group, or community. Nurse holds a monumental commitment to uniqueness Of the individual patient; therefore, any plan of care must reflect that uniqueness. (ANA – American Nurses Association , 2010). Provision 2. 2 ; Conflict of interest for nurses.Nurse must examine the conflicts arising between their own personal and professional values and those of others responsible for patient care. They must strive to resolve conflicts in ways that ensure patient safety. If the nurse suspects abuse, she must find the moral courage to report it, even if the doctor doesn't agree with her suspicions (ANA – American Nurses Association , 2010). Provision 3. 2 – Confidentiality. The rights, well-being, and safely of the individual patient should be the primary factors in arriving at any professional judgment concerning the disposition of confidential information.Only information pertinent to a patient's treatment and welfare is disclosed and only to th ose directly involved with patient's care (ANA – American Nurses Association , 2010). Related principles Of ANA Code Of Ethics The patient is your first and primary concern as a nurse and per provision 2. 1 you have to use the uniqueness of the situation. The 13th month old, male patient has have two cases of not thriving, is emotionally stressed when with the primary care giver and the primary care giver does not seem to have emotional support from the secondary parent in the relationship.Provision 2. 2 while there is no true conflict between the personal and the professional because there are no definitive signs of abuse but the patient is not responding to it primary caregiver. If the patient is in distress because of the emotional state then infant will continue to not thrive, the patient weight will antique to drop and the infant can then become ill and will continue to not thrive. Provision 3. 2 the patient being the primary focus, there should be no room for disc-conte ntion.Clinical Agency Resources Reporting the concern will cause family disruption however, if the concern is not voice to those who may be in a position to affect change and the patient suffers as a cause the as a nurse professional it can be considered dereliction of duties. In this case if may have a gut feeling but that is not cause enough to report the family. It would be better served after discussing the case with y superior to aid the mother in building a relationship with the child.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery Essay

Cosmetic Surgery is a widely accepted practice among men and women. You can have anything done to yourself as long as you have the money. With the advancement in today’s technology, more men and women are flocking to have expensive cosmetic procedures done. The percentage of men and women getting some type of surgery done to themselves are drastically different. Women have the highest number on the chart for having cosmetic surgery and men don’t even come close to their numbers. Men and women share the same types of surgery like: breast augmentation, liposuction, Botox and even laser hair removal. Teenagers are slowly starting to climb the charts more every year. The average age for teenagers are between 16-18 years old. Teenage girls and boys go for procedures like; microdermabrasion, chemical peels and nose jobs. Some people believe that it is immoral to have surgery to change your appearance while other people believe that it is all right to have a tattoo. What is the difference between having surgery to change a defect in your appearance and having a tattoo? There is no difference, one can be removed and the other cannot. Every year, the average American spends millions of dollars on the many different types of cosmetic procedures available. Many women would like to have surgery done to enhance the look of their bodies. Most women go through the agonizing pain of surgery for a needed boost in their self confidence. What do you see when you look in the mirror? For most women, they see imperfection and room for improvement. Often time’s people try to change themselves in order to make others happy. Cosmetic Surgery is so popular with the average American, it makes you wonder what our society will look like in 10 years. The most common surgical procedures done for women are; Breast augmentation, and Liposuction. In the year 2007, more than 399,440 women had a breast augmentation and 398,848 women had liposuction ( Mann 2007). Another type of cosmetic procedure people have done are non-surgical procedures. Non-surgical simply means aesthetics are not necessary to be used in order to have the surgery done. Hyaluronic acid treatments, and Botox were the most popular non-surgical procedures for  women. Hyaluronic is just a fancy word for skin treatments or acne treatments. Botox procedures essentially paralyze the muscles in the face to eliminate wrinkles and lines in patients by preventing the muscles from contracting (Sommerfeld 2007). The number of non-surgical procedures women have done are dramatically higher than surgical procedures simply because they are more affordable. Over 2,775,176 women have had Botox injections and over 1,448,716 have had some type of skin treatment done (Mann 2007). Not only are women wanting to change their appearance, men have also jumped on the band wagon. Men are increasingly changing the things they do not like to see. Men and women between the ages of 35 and 50 had the most cosmetic procedures in 2007, a lot of them being men because it is around the time they are going through their mid life crisis. In the earlier years, men were not as concerned about the way they looked, the way they smelled or the fact that they were going bald. With the influx of women coworkers in the job force men have become more self conscious about their looks. The better you look the more attention you receive. The two main surgical procedures men have done every year are liposuction and rhinoplasty. In the year 2008, more than 31,453 men had liposuction done on themselves to appear thinner to the opposite sex, and over 30,174 men changed their facial appearances by getting rhinoplasty done ( ASAPS 2007). The top Non-surgical procedures men have done are: Botox and Laser hair removal. Ironically, while some men are having hair removed from one part of their bodies, they are having hair transplanted to another part of their bodies. Hair transplants are another surgical procedure that is used widely among men and women. Men who are balding and have receding hair lines are having hair put back in order to look and feel younger. Over 225,099 men have received Botox injections and 309,692 men have had laser hair removal on some part of their body ( ASAPS 2007). Cosmetic Surgery is not only for adults, teenagers are jumping at every opportunity that comes along. Due to the parents having so much cosmetic surgery done, they are influencing their teenagers saying it is all right to have cosmetic surgery if you do not like the way you look. The most popular procedures for teenagers were: Laser hair removal, Microdermabrasion,  chemical peel, ear reshaping, and Rhinoplasty. Of those cosmetic procedures, 2 out of the 5 were actual surgical procedures ( Mann 2007). There is a difference between having cosmetic surgery to enhance your appearance and having cosmetic surgery to reconstruct a cleft lip, big ears and a collapsed nose. Having reconstructive surgery can benefit a child immensely simply by bringing up their self-esteem. In today’s society, some children ridicule other children who’s facial features are unattractive or physically impaired. The long-term physical and emotional phenomenon of many popular cosmetic surgeries, including implants and liposuction are unknown ( Zuckerman 2005). Teenagers are unaware of the health risks they face everyday by going tanning, smoking and drinking. Even though teenagers don’t want to accept the fact that tanning is bad for you health, they do not realize that tanning can actually lead to more cosmetic surgery not to mention skin cancer and wrinkles. Cigarettes and drinking make young adults prematurely age in their facial features making them look older than they really are causing another reason for cosmetic surgery. If they are unaware or choose not to pay attention to these risks then they are less likely to pay attention to the risks of cosmetic surgery ( Zuckerman 2005). In 2007, Americans spent more than $13.2 billion on cosmetic procedures alone. Of that $13.2 billion, $8.3 billion was spent on surgical cosmetic procedures, while $4.7 billion was spent on non-surgical procedures (Mann 2007). According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of cosmetic surgery procedures has jumped 457% since they began gathering these statistics in 1997. Over 11.7 million cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures were performed in the United States, of those procedures, 91% were performed on women. (Mann,2007). That is a whopping 10.6 million procedures done a year, an increase of 1 percent since 2006 ( Mann 2007). Before, men would stand by and let the women get all the cosmetic changes done to themselves and now they are slowly being put on the map. In fact, men had 9% of cosmetic procedures done in 2007, with the number of total procedures increasing 17 percent since 2006, to just over 1 million ( Mann 2007). Teens aging from 16 to 18 years old had less than 2% of the cosmetic surgery procedures. Either this information is not enough to be put on it’s own chart, or it is already incorporated with the men and  women. With the expense of having surgery and all the recovery time you have to take, it makes you wonder how far a person is willing to go for happiness. Some people think getting surgery is disgraceful and immoral, while others think it is all right to have a tattoo. What is the difference between having a tattoo and having a nose job? The only difference would be that, a tattoo can be removed while some of the surgical procedures people get cannot. They are for life, you cannot undo what you already did if you do not like the outcome. Every day more men and women are spending thousands of dollars fixing things they do not like about themselves. They are letting their children know that it is all right to have surgery because they are not developing fast enough, or get their nose done because it’s too big. I have nothing against the doctors that perform these surgeries, it is their job. With out these specific doctors, we would not be able to survive in the cruel world we live in today. They are here to help those of us who really need it, and help those who want it. Does having cosmetic surgery truly make you feel better about yourself, does it make you sleep better to know that you can try to look like someone your not? Does having surgery on the outside make people like you better, even though you are the same person on the inside? Either way you look at it, having cosmetic surgery only changes what you look like on the outside, and if this does not make your self-esteem higher, then your problem goes much deeper than surgery. Mann, D. (2007) Statistics on Cosmetic Surgery from ASAPS. Retrieved March 26, 2009, from American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (2009). Liposuction no longer the most popular surgical procedure according to new statistics. Retrieved March 26, 2009, from,750221.shtml Sommerfeld, J. (2002). Liposuction Safety Concerns Assuages. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Zuckerman, D. (2005). Teenagers and Cosmetic Surgery. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from

Examining Hydrogen Fuel Cells Environmental Sciences Essay

Hydrogen fuel cells are potentially the energy beginning of the hereafter. Due to its efficiency and low pollution H fuel cells are far better than conventional gasoline engines. With increasing gasoline monetary values and pressing environmental issues, a new feasible energy beginning is required such as the H fuel cell, ( Swain, D. 2007 ) . ( 5 ) A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that produces current by the transition of H and O into H2O, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The first fuel cell was invented in 1839 by Sir William Grove. Fuel cells operate in a similar mode to a battery nevertheless they will continually bring forth heat and electricity if fuel is supplied, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Fuel cells run on H. Hydrogen is the most common and simplistic gas. It is exceptionally light and produces the highest sum of energy per unit of weight of 52000 Btu/lb, which is three times that of gasolene, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) A H fuel cell is made up of two electrodes environing an electrolyte. Hydrogen passes over the anode of the cell and the free negatrons are conducted into the external circuit. ( 2 ) The O passes over the cathode. Electrons are conducted back from the external circuit to the accelerator where the H and O recombine to organize H2O. A proton exchange membrane is the electrolyte. If a polymer exchange mem brane is used this must be hydrated to stay stable functionality, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) A Pt accelerator must be used to help the reaction, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The merchandises formed include H2O, heat and electricity. The two most promising fuel cells are the polymer exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) and the solid oxide fuel cell ( SOFC ) , ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The PEM fuel cell is used for transit such as in powering vehicles. This fuel cell has a low operating temperature signifier 60 & A ; deg ; C to 80 & A ; deg ; C and a high operating denseness, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The solid oxide fuel cells operate at really high temperatures of 700-1000 & A ; deg ; C. This cell will be used in big scale power coevals such as in mills, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) One of the primary advantages of the H fuel cells is the low emanations, ( Swain, D. 2007 ) . ( 5 ) Gasoline powered autos emit pollutants such as SO2 and NO. Fuel cells rely on chemical science and non on burning which reduces emanations, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) The lone gas released is H2O vapor. This reduces air pollution and combats planetary heating. ( 6 ) Hydrogen fuel cells are besides really effectual as they have the ability to covert fuel to energy from the minute of coevals. This eradicates multiple stairss and additions efficiency, ( Anonymous,2002 ) . ( 3 ) If pure H is used the H fuel cell can be 65 % efficient, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . If impure H utilized a reformist is required to alter the hydrocarbon into H which lowers the efficiency degree, nevertheless it is still far greater ( up to three times ) than a gasoline engine, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) ( Anonymous,2002 ) . ( 2 ) ( 3 ) Due to the fact that much energy is lost turning pumps and fans in gasoli ne vehicles the overall efficiency is really low of 20 % , ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) In add-on to this H fuel cells achieve the letter writer of 65 stat mis to the gallon doing them a feasible energy beginning, ( Anonymous,2002 ) . ( 3 ) The dependability of a H fuel cell is a major advantage. Whereas burning engines, such as gasoline engines, have many traveling parts that require care, the fuel cell has really few. ( 3 ) This will cut down care costs and increase dependability. In add-on to this a fuel cell will non travel dead ( as batteries do ) if there is a changeless flow of chemicals into the cell, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) Although ab initio production costs would be high for H fuel cells this will diminish and mass production costs will go low because of the simple building of the cell. ( 3 ) Equally good as this the H fuel cell is safe. Unlike gasoline, H will non do environmental jeopardies such as spillages. Similar to petrol H will fire when lit nevertheless it merely becomes explosive when stored up in an enclosed country, which is improbable as H disperses easy, ( Anonymous,2002 ) 3. ( 3 ) This makes H fuel cells a safe option. Hydrogen can be produced from coal, natural gas and oil. Since these militias are being depleted it is a great adventage that H for the fuel cells can be produced from biomass, sunshine and H2O, ( Swain, D. 2007 ) . ( 5 ) There are many beginnings of H on Earth. Hydrogen is found combined with other elements, chiefly C and O, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) However it can be easy extracted and used to do the ultimate clean and efficient energy beginning, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Like all fuels and signifiers of energy H fuel cells have their disadvantages. One of the largest disadvantages of H fuel cells is that presently they are really expensive, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 2 ) ( 4 ) Many of the constituents that make up a H fuel cell such as the Pt accelerator and proton exchange membrane are dearly-won, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) This would hold to diminish mostly to be economically feasible. Once this has decreased, for illustration by utilizing an alternate accelerator, mass production costs will diminish, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) The production costs of H besides pose a disadvantage. Most H comes from coal, natural gas and oil. The pollution caused by the production of H from these resources is similar to the sum of that of gasoline engines, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) Hydrogen can be produced by sunshine and air current to power electrolysis which does non make any pollution nevertheless this is excessively expensi ve to use extensively, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) Another job with H fuel cells arise with storage. Due to the fact that H is such a light gas and disperses easy it is really hard to hive away a big sum in a confined country, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) The challenge posed is for applied scientists to fit the 300-mile vehicle scope. However this is non impossible as it has been done in some recent vehicles, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Research workers are besides coming up with new ways of hive awaying the H such the usage of H armored combat vehicles and metal loanblends, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) For H fuel cells to go feasible a PEMFC membrane must be developed that can run in high temperatures ( 100 & A ; deg ; C ) every bit good as bomber zero temperatures, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) PEMFC membranes are hydrated to reassign H protons nevertheless at temperatures greater than 80 & A ; deg ; C the hydration is lost. These high temperatures are of import as the fuel cell will hold an increased tolerance to drosss. ( 2 ) Fuel cells must stay stable where every bit presently when the vehicle is turned on or off or temperatures are high the membrane tends to degrade, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) Further research is required to battle this. In add-on to this exchanging to hydrogen fuel would necessitate an accommodation of substructure where H fuel Stationss, grapevines and distribution channels are required, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) This is possible nevertheless it will take many old ages and money to construct, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) Like all fuels hydrogen fuel cells do hold disadvantages nevertheless many of these can be combated with farther research and over clip, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Presently hydrogen fuel cells are non a feasible beginning of energy nevertheless due to their low emanations, high efficiency and many other advantages they have the possible to in the hereafter go a feasible energy beginning that is more effectual than gasoline engines.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Comparing Gods and Goddesses Essay

Years ago, women did not have much power as they do now. Women sat back and took orders from their husbands. Whatever is asking of them to do the women would have to carry out the order with no feedback and nobody jesters. Women were more humble to men and they listened and believed whatever men told them. All women knew how to do was to be a homemaker. Women did not have a problem with staying home cooking, cleaning, ironing, and taking care of the children. Women kept everything in order at home. The one thing women did not do in the home years ago was keep track of the bills. The men did the bill back then, because they were the ones bringing home the money. When it came to spending any money for the house or for the children, the man was in charge. Women were to let the men know what was needed and they will go out and get it. Today women are different; Women are more attractive and keep themselves up. Women do not stay at home and take care of the children. The women today work, go to school, take care the children, and the home. The men today are taking the back seat. The women are in control. In some households, the women are telling the men what to do. The women today have power. To the children the women can fix anything. The men sometimes have the same thoughts. Many look up to the women. The women can heal the sick and feed the hungry and cloth the naked with very little money. Zeus a Greek God had a daughter by the name of Athena. Athena was the Greek Goddess of wisdom. She is fair, strong and very merciful to all. Athena was independent and didn’t rely on anyone. She was also known as one of the three virgin goddesses. Athena was the type of women who didn’t worry about being romanced by a male. She wasn’t concerned with marriage either. To refer back to today’s culture; Athena is what you call a, â€Å"career woman. † She was always busy doing something. The modern women today are all work and no play. Greek goddess by the name of Artemis was as strong as an ox. She doesn’t need a male to protect her. Artemis is the defender and guardian of all women in childbirth. She also loves the wilderness. So she protects those women too. Artemis dislikes men because they are of no use to her. She isn’t interested in getting married either because she feels that it takes away from a women’s freedom. So Artemis is very close to her female friends. They walk the forest together all the time. Unlike Athena, Artemis doesn’t really care to deal with the city life. She would rather be in the wilderness with the animals. Even though Artemis disliked men, she allowed the young boys to come and learn new things at her sanctuary. So she wasn’t as bad as the people thought she was. She was just a strong minded woman who loved nature. She loved being outdoors. Artemis is a great defender to all. Unlike Artemis, Athena wore a helmet and walked around holding a shield. She was rational and very intelligent. She was wise and a peacemaker. She is powerful and strong like Artemis. She defends her people in war but is also a peacemaker. Artemis is young and beautiful and wears leaves to cover her body. She doesn’t cover her legs. The costume that she wears could possibly cause problems with the Greek gods because of the way it looks. She feels that her costume represents sacrificed animals. It could represent breast and fruits also. But goddess’s views were very different from the Gods. Gods are usually described in terms of the various sociopolitical roles that they fulfill. † The function of the god myths are to explain phenomena to fasten a culture, record and pass on historical events, set example for people, and set behavior standards for generation to follow. Natural phenomena’s like thunder, lightening, miracles, and seasonal changes are all associated with god myths. God myths explain these phenomena’s that people find hard to understand. For example, the Myth Persephone and Hades started by the Greeks to explain winter and why it happens. Myths of the gods and are also created and function as explanations for happenings after death occurrences of certain miracles, and the creation of the Earth. Function of myth is to justify and validate the ritual practices and cultic celebrations. At time myth are also etiological in its function, in trying to explain the causes of certain customs and practices or how a particular name of the place originated. In traditional societies myth has an educational value, it was used to introduce or stress a particular moral value. People needing to believe is a common element in all society if you get people to believe in what you are saying the will follow. Myth by nature depicts a time period that is usually a remote past, in which gods and goddesses are the chief characters. A myth usually points to an unknown transcendental reality in symbolic form. It has a tremendous psychological impact on the listeners as it makes the listeners almost believe that those things really happened. Religious people have sacred narratives, call myths, which explain how things got the way they are. Proverbs and legends escribe wisdom and phenomenal exploits â€Å"in ordinary, profane time,† myths portray the work of spiritual power in arranging the existing order â€Å"in primordial, sacred time’ (Loewen 1969b, 150). National myths describe how tribes and nations came into being. Deity myths recount relationships between humanity and divinity: Spirit myths depict the origin and functions of lower spiritual beings. Sickness myths reveal ancient sources and causes of illness. Cosmic myths describe the origin and cause of catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, lightning, thunder, drought, rain, and eclipses. Describe the elements and function of god myth just depends on the cultures and what they have been told to believe. Just like us as human we are taught to believe what we have been taught from generation to generation from our ancestor something are believable and something’s just are not but they are not question. God is often portrayed like a person who is outside us. He controls the world from outside like a king controls his subjects. He is often called Superman who moves the earth and the heaven. God is in control of the female and male divine culture. The female and male divine possess different elements and functions starting in early era of time and carried in today’s era. The male is considered the stronger, aggressive, masculine and brutish image. The female is cunningly, not weak with an inner strength voice that speaks to her soul. The male divine is the protector of the house, the provider, and control the needs of the household. The male divine only cater to his needs and not respect the female desires. The early eras of life the female was expect to stay at home and take care of the house, children, and male and not enter the working world. Society today has changed whereas the female is working and supporting the family needs and stills mange the household. Although society has continued to change the male divine found switching the roles play by staying at home and supporting the family needs. The role play has impact a different outlook on life in the male divine. Technically the female and male divine is different hormones, brains functions, and the heritance of traits from family heritage. The female is strong minded in varies subject and aspect that affects the controlling of the household. The male divine still does not grip the concept that the female divine is powerful and put here to help support the male divine in every aspect of life. Female divine are to walk beside and not behind the male. The both female and male are difference in appearance that how the attraction for each other beginning. The outer appearance attracts male to female leading to companionship. The male looks to the females to ease the discomfort with compassion, understanding, stroking the bad feeling to make it better but the opinion of the female seem unimportant to male at the first sign of the situation. Yet the male has to make a step backward to say the female opinion is right. The male ego is a huge quest for the male to let down his guards. The female and male divine continues to live in harmony and depend on the different ideas and opinion that each possess and strive for completeness. When the male and female learns to share, communicate, listen, and willingness to share the solution of all concerns coming up with right decision as one. Female and male should not be in competition for seeing who the better person is. Throughout history the elements and function has not change for the female and male divine it just seem to adapt along with society principles of what society anticipate. Female and male divine has many elements and functions to help stay focus on the various barriers of life by adapting to society changing society. Finally, the male and the female divine share the same functions. They both are in authority to give orders, and many people look up to them both. They know life will bring different kinds for issues to endure, but they are willing to go throw and handle them with the proper approach. The male and the female divine are just alike concerning their children, and being there for their children. If mom is not available, the child will turn to their dad. The male and the female are valued. They are both beautiful people with values and power they both share. They give and take orders from each other, and other people. They both share a desire to love one another, and the male divine loves beautiful, smart women can stand on her on and fix life-changing problems. The woman wants the same values in a man. The elements and functions shared by the female and the male are on going from generations to generation.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Economic Problems of the Philippines Essay

Economic problems of the Philippines are very similar to those being battled by other underdeveloped and developing nations. After a long tryst with colonization, the nation is now grappling with increased imports and a mixed economy that is still to stabilize. The Republic of the Philippines is located in Southeast Asia and Manila is its capital city. The country comprises 7,107 islands and ranks as the 12th most populous country in the world. Like most other southeast Asian regions, the Philippines too has a history of European colonization. It was a colony of Spain and the USA. The country is now home to multiple cultures and traditional ethnicity. It is also looked upon as a perfect example of a ‘mixed economy’. Industrialization is a new development in the Philippines. Traditionally, the economy stabilized on the agrarian contributions and the manufacture of garments, pharmaceutical products and semiconductors. In the last decade, electronic exports added to the exports, including various products obtained by mining. The economy of the nation also largely depends on the remittances from Filipinos residing overseas and investing in the homeland. However, exports are not evenly balanced by the imports that include heavy electronics, garments, various raw materials, intermediate goods and fuel. The influence of the Manila galleon on the nation’s economy during the Spanish period, and bilateral trade when the country was a colony of the United States has resulted in the preference of a mixed economy over a centrally planned or market based one. It is very important to understand the shift during the Ferdinand Marcos leadership, from a market economy to a centrally planned economy, to relate to the economic recession that the country is now facing. With adverse global trends and the world economy entering a protracted depression, in 2011, the Philippines faced another economic downturn. The country’s lack of internal economic strength due to the absence of core manufacturing sector and an absence of firm and bold domestic policy initiatives have led the economy to be dependent on the state of the global economy. Thereby making it vulnerable to external shocks. Here we try to look at three possible challenges posed to growth and real development of the economy in 2012, based upon the insights provided by the economic policy-making and decisions by the Aquino administration in 2011. Major Financial Problems of the Philippines Over-dependence on Global Economy The growth of the Philippines economy drastically slowed to just 3.6% in the first three quarters of 2011, which is significantly less than the 7%-8% growth targeted by administration’s Philippine Development Plan (PDP). Though the slowdown may have been due to the ongoing global crisis, it was markedly slower in comparison to other South-East Asian neighbors. Economic performance figures indicated a contraction in exports and a drop in FDI. Though the remittances from overseas Filipinos to the country grew in the first ten months of 2011, however the compensation that overseas Filipinos received actually fell, in peso terms, due to an appreciating peso. In 2011 the Aquino administration sought a FTA (Free Trade Agreement) with the EU and join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The administration further allowed the US to even more directly influence Philippine economic policy making in its self-interest, by entering in a Partnership for Growth (PfG). These partnerships will consequently further the dependence of the economy on the global economy, whereas a regional arrangement between less unequal Southeast Asian countries is potentially useful. Greater attention has to be paid to addressing to the internal problems of the economy and enhancing domestic-oriented growth. A policy of removing structural impediments to growth has to be adopted with lesser focus on foreign investors and exporters. Unemployment The official unemployment figures for the Philippines in 2011 are among the worst in Asia, higher than its South-East Asian neighbors and according to the International Labor Organization the country is among the worst one-fourth in the world in terms of unemployment rates. Without a strong manufacturing industry or real Filipino industry, the economy will be unable to create enough decent paying jobs. Till then manufacturing or services will remain substandard, or of low value-addition. According to employment figures, jobs in the Philippines manufacturing sector increased by just 8% of the total employment. Nearly three out of every ten people in the labor force are looking for work or are jobless. The mining sub-sector said to be one of the fastest growing industry in 2011 failed to generate new jobs (just 0.6 % of total employment). Steadily rising inflation has contributed to the erosion of the value of the minimum wage. Though the Aquino administration increased the minimum wage and announced cash dole-outs but lack of quality decent paying jobs and higher real wages continue to be a problem. The government’s policy to encourage foreign capital, even if in just low value-added assembly operations will continue to hinder real growth and development of the manufacturing sector. The Aquino administration needs to plan over the long-term, and prepare an industrialization program that encourages value-addition manufacturing or services and builds Filipino-owned industries. Misplaced Fiscal Austerity Practicing fiscal austerity just to get favorable credit ratings can be counterproductive. The Aquino administration, in 2011, pursued fiscal austerity and spent 2.1% less in the first 11 months than it did in the same period last year. This along with increased revenues brought down the fiscal deficit and subsequently international credit rating agencies Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch upgraded the country’s credit ratings and outlooks. In 2011 the government cut spending on economic services, including infrastructure, in the same vein did not fill in for shortfalls in education, health and housing sectors. As a result, over the first three quarters of 2011, income from public construction contracted by about 46% whereas government consumption reduced by a mere 1.7% in comparison to the same period last year. Misplaced austerity measures and an exaggerated concern about credit ratings contracts the economy, reduces demand and undermines future growth. The proposed public private partnerships (PPPs) are a poor substitute to real investment and public expenditure, because the former are majorly driven by short-term profit while the latter play a vital role to create development. These are just some of the economic challenges looming large over the Philippines. The country is facing significant decline in industrial production, gross domestic product, income and employment and sales. The Aquino presidency supposedly is getting the support of the people, as indicated by its high approval ratings, for the necessary economic measures that are in the general public interest. In 2011, the Aquino administration’s policy choices to give greater weight to narrow foreign and domestic elite interests, unfortunately, underscores the challenge of pushing for real reform in 2012.